Holding my baby girl for the first time. |
Already a Daddy's girl! |
Our baby girl, Seda (Say-duh), made her grand entrance into the world on April 18th... 8 pounds, 6 ounces and 19.5 inches! She gave us quite a scare when we checked into the hospital and not 10 minutes later, the doctor said we needed to do an emergency c-section because both mine and Seda's blood pressure and heart rates were very high. We heard her cry when she came out, but she was rushed right to the NICU because she looked so sick. I ended up having an infection in my uterus, and when the doctor opened me up, he said that it was on fire. Unfortunately, so was Seda with a temperature of 103. Her temperature came down very quickly, but they put her on antibiotics to make sure she didn't get my infection. The worst part for me was that I had to wait 24 hours to be on my antibiotics to go into the NICU to see her (I couldn't be around the other babies). Daddy got to go in right away and see her and hold her though, so he took good care of her while I was away. He took some pictures, then brought them in for me to see so we could decide on her name. We were choosing between Emily and Seda. Our thought was if she looked fair and blond, like Charlie, we would go with Emily, but if she looked Armenia and dark, we would go with Seda. She is fair, but Pete and I were both still leaning towards Seda, so that's what we picked. Seda is an Armenian name that means spirit of the forest. We decided to go with the Hrodey tradition and use a "J" middle name for her, so we thought Seda Jane sounded perfect. So, that's the story of our baby girl!! More pics and updates to come!
Seda and Mimi. |
Day 2 Pictures. |
My friend, Bobbi, was working in the NICU when Seda came in. We didn't have her name yet, so Bobbi made her a special sign to give her our pet names. I was SO happy that Bobby was there to take care of Seda for her first 10 hours. |
Day 1 Pictures. |
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