Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Striking a pose with his winky face.
Mother's Day this year felt complete. We finally had our little family we've always wanted. I couldn't have asked for more! It was a beautiful day out so we headed to the beach. Charlie had fun playing in the sand and throwing rocks in the water. Seda enjoyed a nice stroll in the stroller and just took in the scenery. The afternoon was spent at home in the backyard. Pete did some yard work while Charlie ran around and played. Seda and I just chilled on the porch under the umbrella. I feel like the luckiest mom in the world! I couldn't ask for more beautiful, healthy kiddos that I love more than anything in this world.... along with Payton! I am also super lucky to be the wife to the most amazing hubby in the world. Without him, I wouldn't have this wonderful little family!

She's so content.
Charlie found a cool pirate treasure at the beach... a sword!

My cutie patootie!

Best picture I could get of the two kids together.

LOVE this picture!! Daddy and his baby girl.

My little girl... so glad I get to experience this!

Love From Great Aunt Judy . . .

Charlie and Seda are so lucky to have a wonderful great aunt who knitted them there own special blankets. My Aunt Judy, which many of you already know about because I am very close to her, is known for knitting blankets; everyone in the family has one! She made me one when I got married, and she made ones for each of my kiddos when they were born. Charlie LOVES his blanket... he's getting a lot more use out of it now that we live in Marquette instead of California! :) Seda even got to use her blanket a couple times before the weather turned warm. So here they are with their blankets! A big thank you to Aunt Judy for taking the time and making these with love! We love you!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Few Random Photos . . .

Just a cute pic of our kiddos!

Seda out on the porch enjoying the sun for the first time.

Trying out the Bumpo for the first time. She can't quite do it yet, but her little neck is getting stronger every day!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wobble Goggles . . .

Somehow Charlie has coined the term "wobble goggles" for any pair of goggles he has. It started with his construction goggles, and now he includes his swim goggles. We've tried to figure out where the "wobble" comes from, but we can't. We thought maybe water, but that doesn't make sense for his construction goggles. He goes through phases where he needs to be wearing his wobble goggles to do things: read books, inspect things closely, and even to take a bath.
He had his goggles outside with Grandpa and Grandma the other day, and he asked them to put some goggles on. I just had to get a picture because it was too cute! G&G are such troopers!

Seda's First Bath!

Perfectly content in her bath.
 Seda's umbilical cord finally fell off at the end of last week, so we were super excited to give her a bath! She LOVED it! She sat so calmly and just enjoyed the warm water. Charlie really wanted her to take a bath in the tub with him that night, but we had to explain she wasn't quite ready for that yet. He's super excited for when she can finally get in with him. This was just one of the many firsts for Seda, so we are looking forward to all the others!
Big brother watching how to give Seda a bath.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Dan, Mary, Matt & Gwen Visit!

Seda's adorable hat that Auntie Mary made for her.
 Dan, Mary, Matt and Gwen were up at the cottage while they had the floors in their house redone, so they decided to make a trip up to see us on Saturday. It was a super long drive to do in 24 hours, and we really appreciate them making the trip because it was so nice to see them. Charlie was so excited for Matt and Gwen to come over and play, and they had such a good time together. The night before Charlie was pulling out all the toys he wanted Matt to play with. :) Mary and I were able to catch up while Dan and Pete played outside with the kids. Of course Seda just slept and ate all day, but as Mary said, that's better than crying the whole time. We had lunch together in the afternoon, then let the kids play some more, then they headed back home at nap time. It was a short trip, but a good one. We are so happy they got to meet Seda, and we are looking forward to spending some time with them over Memorial Day weekend. Thanks for making the trip, Dan and Mary! We love you guys and really appreciate it!
Auntie Mary and Seda.
Uncle Dan and Seda.
Gwen, Uncle Dan and Seda spending quality time together. It'll be nice for Seda to have some girl time with Gwen when she gets bigger!