Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cereal Eater!

 Our big girl has started solid foods! Where has the time gone??? She took to it like a champ! She was sitting with her mouth open just waiting for it. Plus, she eats it down so quickly and is ready for more when there is none left. She's so different than Charlie... he took his time, she inhales! :) Such a fun new experience for our little Seda Jane! Looking forward to introducing more to her!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Little man's first day of preschool.
 Yes... the day has come... Charlie had his first day of preschool! He is going to a Lutheran church two days a week in the morning. He was SUPER excited to go... until the day he actually had to go. He was doing OK as we headed out in the morning (as you can see from the picture above), and then he got in the truck with Pete. When we got to school, Pete looked at me and shook his head, indicating that things weren't going well. Charlie was pretty mopey when we headed in, but he cheered up a bit as we waited outside his classroom. He got a little sad again when his teacher came out, but was fine because we came into the room with him. Mrs. Collins saw that he was a little nervous, so she sat down on the floor with him to play trains. She also encouraged other students to come over and play with him. He was happy and playing, so we decided to say our goodbyes. Not fun. Charlie didn't want us to leave, and he wanted to come with Seda and I. Of course the waterworks started, so we had to rush out quickly. It was SO hard for me to walk away from him when he was crying for me, so of course I lost it in the hallway. The secretary told me I could call in a little bit to check on him, but I assured her I was ok. :) I waited for 2.5 hours, wondering if I was going to get a phone call, but I never did.
When I went to pick him up, he came running up to me. I told him to go back and sit at his sit to wait for Mrs. Collins to dismiss him. Once they were dismissed, he took me to his cubby and gave me his art project for the day and a note from Mrs. Collins. On the way home he told me everything them did ranging from playing in the gym to his art project. My favorite part was when he told me they read a story about Jesus. I asked him what he learned and he said, "God loves me". Then he asked me, "Who is God, Mom?" I'll save my reply for another post. ;)
Overall, it was a good day. Charlie is excited to go back on Tuesday, so hopefully it's a little easier of a drop-off then! I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I have a kiddo in school. Where did the time go!?!?
I can't believe Charlie is going to school already!
Not doing so hot, but Daddy's trying to keep a positive attitude! 

Charlie's class is the bottom apples.
Charlie in front of his elephant hook with his backpack. All his stuff in the classroom has a blue elephant on it. 

Mrs. Collins trying to cheer Charlie up with trains.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Ludington Squared . . .

A boy and his dog.
We made a second trip to Ludington this summer, but the first 3/4 of our trip was just the four of us, and the last 1/4 was with Pete's family. The first weekend we were able to spend some quality time with our friends, the Millers. Liz had a baby shortly after I did, so we got to meet Molly and they got to meet Seda. The boys fished, we went to the beach, and just enjoyed being together again. It was a super relaxing week with lots of family time, naps, fishing, and beautiful weather. I figure I'll let the pics tells the story of this trip!
Brooklyn and Charlie playing with the Dominoes.

Drinking some yogurt and watching TV.

Brooklyn smiled... Charlie frowned. He's not a fan of getting his picture taken lately.

These two were running into Steve's tush and cracking up at themselves!

Logan surprised Seda by laying next to her.

Molly and Seda.... Molly is so petite, and Seda is... well... you can see here!

Such a great weekend with the Millers! We live too far away from them. :( 

Charlie wanted to catch a big fish, but when it came to a 5:30 wake-up, he wasn't interested.

Steve and Pete's catches of the day.

Charlie jumping in the woods during our hike. 

Seda LOVED watching all the trees.... Spirit of the Forest!

He's getting to be an old man, but still loves to swim!

Payton swam out to greet the boys when they came back from fishing.

Charlie lovin' the boat!

My little fisherman.

Their catch of the day!

Charlie showing off his bluegill.

He fell asleep like this when I was making him lunch. 

All smiles in the blue recliner.

Charlie and Grandma found Great Grandpa George and Great Grandma Betty's old hats. It was a hat party! 

So cute.

Playing shut the box with Grandpa.

The boys partying in their hats!

"Watch out, Seda, it's that lady with the camera again!"

My little Spartan fans. Go Green!

Class of . . . 2031???

Grandpa wanted to see if the fish was bigger than Charlie! 

Another big fish pose with Dad!

Checking the fish out with Aunt Kelly.

Watching Dad clean the fish.

Celebrating Grandma's birthday!

Ugh... just melts my heart!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fun Around the House . . .

Seda's tummy times usually results in some hand sucking that puts her to sleep! 
 We haven't been home too much this past month, so here are a couple pics I got in between our travels. It'll be nice to be back home for an extended amount of time in September!

Charlie keeping Seda entertained in the Exersaucer.

Our pretty little lady.

Trying to include Seda in story time as much as we can!

4 Months Old!

Joey & Seda chillin' at the Ludington cottage.
Can you believe it?!?!? Our baby girl is 4 months old already!! Where is the time going? As most of you already know, Seda has been an AMAZING baby. There were times the past couple years where I thought life was against Pete and I with the miscarriages, rough pregnancy, and then the very difficult and scary delivery we encountered, but I think it's being made up to us with this precious bundle of joy known as Seda Jane. :) For those of you who thought Charlie was a smiley baby.... you ain't seen nothin' yet! This girl is ALL smiles ALL the time! She is pretty quiet for the most part (sometimes we forget she's in the room with us), but she definitely has her chatty moments. She doesn't fuss too much, and rarely cries. If she cries or is fussy, it's usually one of four things: she needs to burp, she's hungry, she's tired, or she pooped. Pretty easy, huh? Here are her stats for 4 moths:

Weight: 15lbs, 4oz. - 83%
Height: 25 1/4 in. - 85%
Head: 16 1/2 in.

New Skills: Grabbing and holding things, sitting in Exersaucer, pulling out/putting in paci, rolling front to back

Sleeping Habits: Usually wakes around 7:00 and goes to bed around 9:00. Short morning nap, cat naps throughout the day, and then a long afternoon nap when Charlie naps

Funny Moments: The best moment was when she was laughing at Charlie in the bathtub. We also love hearing her suck on your fingers when you are in the car.

Things We Love About Her: Everything of course, but especially her laugh, smiles, and calm demeanor.

Eating Habits: Nursing every 2 3/4 - 3 hours. Just got the go-ahead on rice cereal from the doctor!

The past four months have been amazing, and it's only going to get better when she starts to eat and move! Charlie still loves her to death, and it's so much fun seeing how she watches him and laughs at him. We couldn't have asked for a better 4 months!