Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 Months Old!

Joey & Seda chillin' at the Ludington cottage.
Can you believe it?!?!? Our baby girl is 4 months old already!! Where is the time going? As most of you already know, Seda has been an AMAZING baby. There were times the past couple years where I thought life was against Pete and I with the miscarriages, rough pregnancy, and then the very difficult and scary delivery we encountered, but I think it's being made up to us with this precious bundle of joy known as Seda Jane. :) For those of you who thought Charlie was a smiley baby.... you ain't seen nothin' yet! This girl is ALL smiles ALL the time! She is pretty quiet for the most part (sometimes we forget she's in the room with us), but she definitely has her chatty moments. She doesn't fuss too much, and rarely cries. If she cries or is fussy, it's usually one of four things: she needs to burp, she's hungry, she's tired, or she pooped. Pretty easy, huh? Here are her stats for 4 moths:

Weight: 15lbs, 4oz. - 83%
Height: 25 1/4 in. - 85%
Head: 16 1/2 in.

New Skills: Grabbing and holding things, sitting in Exersaucer, pulling out/putting in paci, rolling front to back

Sleeping Habits: Usually wakes around 7:00 and goes to bed around 9:00. Short morning nap, cat naps throughout the day, and then a long afternoon nap when Charlie naps

Funny Moments: The best moment was when she was laughing at Charlie in the bathtub. We also love hearing her suck on your fingers when you are in the car.

Things We Love About Her: Everything of course, but especially her laugh, smiles, and calm demeanor.

Eating Habits: Nursing every 2 3/4 - 3 hours. Just got the go-ahead on rice cereal from the doctor!

The past four months have been amazing, and it's only going to get better when she starts to eat and move! Charlie still loves her to death, and it's so much fun seeing how she watches him and laughs at him. We couldn't have asked for a better 4 months!

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