Thursday, April 26, 2012

Meeting Seda for the First Time!

Charlie waiting for Seda to come out of the NICU.
 On Wednesday morning, Seda got the all clear to head home! WOOHOO! Pete had Charlie in the morning, and they were just waiting for my phone call to come get us. Apparently Charlie was very antsy and kept asking when they could leave. When they got to the hospital, I waited in the waiting room with Charlie while Pete went back to get Seda. He was SO excited! All he wanted to do was see her and hold her. When Pete finally brought her out, Charlie got a huge smile on his face and asked right away if he could hold her. As he was holding her, he looked up at me and said, "I like her. Can we take her home now?" It was the sweetest thing. Once we got in the car and headed home, it finally felt like our little family was complete! We are looking forward to our first few days together and seeing how Charlie takes to Seda. We'll keep you posted!
Seeing Seda for the second time.

Finally getting to touch her . . . 

... and give her kisses.

So happy to finally be holding his baby sister!

So much love for Seda.

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