Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Eggs with Friends

 The Wednesday before Easter, my friend Shannon invited us over for a play-date at her house. We decided to try and color Easter eggs with the kiddos. It was an overall success! Having 6 kids coloring at the same time was a bit scary with only 3 of us moms to supervise, but they did such a great job! Joe and Claire definitely enjoyed it the most... they were so creative with their eggs. Charlie lasted for about 15 minutes, but then he got bored and wanted to play with the toys. After we colored eggs, we made pizza for the kids and had some lunch. It's so nice to have this little group of friends for Charlie to play with. He loves all his friends, and it's great for me too because Shannon and Margaret are my to good friends here in Marquette! They have been so helpful to me during this pregnancy. I always apologize to them because I feel like such a lazy mom when I'm with them because I don't do any of the heavy lifting, and they always do all the work. I promise I will be a better contributing mommy at the play-dates soon, Shannon and Margaret! You two are the best, and I don't know what I would have done without you for the past 9 months!!
Joe's creative juices flowing... what color to do next?
Charlie coloring his first egg.
Margaret and Conner working on an egg.
Shannon and Anna attempting some stripes on Anna's egg.
Claire waiting for her egg to be done. She definitely had the coolest looking eggs of the group!

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