When Pete and I got to the hospital Sunday morning, one of the nurses approached us with an option to room in with Seda while she's in the NICU. They have one room in the back that has a bed to allow parents to be able to be in the same room with their baby. Seda is still hooked up to everything like she was before, but there is a bed and a pull-out chair that Pete and I can sleep on. They wanted to give us the option so that I could work on nursing Seda more and not have to worry about all the driving back and forth. Of course we jumped on the opportunity! They said we could stay with her until she is discharged, and as long as another baby with worse conditions doesn't come in and need the room.
So, last night we headed to the hospital around 4:00 to start our stay with her. My WONDERFUL parents took Charlie for us for the night, and we are SO lucky for that. Otherwise, Pete wouldn't have been able to stay with me. We had a pretty decent first night. Seda is starting to catch onto the nursing thing, but she still gets very frustrated that the milk isn't just coming right out for her. She has one marathon session, then a couple very light ones, followed by another marathon one. I am really glad we are here because she and I need the practice. There is definitely something to be said about getting your newborn on your chest right away and nursing. I feel like my 24 hour absence from her has really set us back. Of course she has been sleeping four hour stretches since she's been here, but the night we are with her... she doesn't. :) She knew Mommy and Daddy were with her, so she took advantage of it! We didn't get much sleep from 10 to 1:30, but she finally passed out after a good feeding at 1:30 and slept until 5.
As it stands now, she needs to keep feeding well, and that will in turn have the doctor cut back on her IV fluid (cutting back on the IV fluid should in turn make her more hungry). She still has shown no sign of infection, which is awesome. Her antibiotics course is somewhere between 7-10 days, and they mentioned 7 to us, so we are working on sticking to that. If she keeps eating well, all her stats keep staying where they are, and the doctor thinks her risk of infection is gone, then we can hopefully take her home tomorrow (day 7).
So... keep your fingers crossed that all the signs keep pointing in the right direction! We are very anxious to get all these wires off our little one and home!