Well, it's another sick day in the Hrodey house. Charlie and I are both under the weather, and it's no fun. The past couple of days Charlie has been saying, "nuh-nights" a couple hours after he wakes up, so I've made him a snuggly little bed on the couch with his favorite guy, Rocky. This morning, he was particularly whiny so I asked him if he wanted me to get him all snuggled on the couch. He lunged for the pillow, and told me to get Rocky. When I came back with Rocky, I snuggled him in with my blanket that was already on the couch. He said, "No, mommy, blankie, blankie." I asked him if he wanted his blankie, and he said, "yeah, blankie". He wanted his AC blankie, so I went back upstairs to get it, snuggled him in, and he got a big smile on his face. This blankie is one his Great Aunt Carol (AC) made him for Christmas. He's been sleeping with it at night because it's so cold in his room, but he wasn't too fond of it in the beginning. He also sleeps with the blankie his Great Aunt Judy made for him, so I had to put the AC one on him when he wasn't paying attention. So now Charlie sleeps in a long-sleeved onsie, fleece footie jammies, and two blankies made with love! Well, I guess he's had a change of heart on the AC blankie! He's apparently all about it now! So, a big thanks to AC for the Christmas present! Hopefully it keeps him happy and comfy during his sick days!

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