Yesterday we decided to go out and play in the snow since the sun was out and it was all fresh powder. We tried to build a snowman, but again, it wasn't the right snow. Charlie did sit on the ground, fluff the snow, and say, "snowman" over and over though. I threw the ball for Payton while Charlie tested out walking in deep snow. He was very apprehensive at first, but he finally got the hang of it. We were able to wipe off the swing set, go down the slide, and swing a bit. I even pulled Charlie around the yard on his sled! This was our first outing where I got Charlie to wear his gloves and keep them on the whole time! We are making progress! Now I just need to figure out how to get his boots on with the inserts in. He's not a fan of the boots. He kept saying, "boots off" in the middle of the snow. Silly boy! I didn't have my camera to begin with because it was so snowy, but I ran in and got my phone to snap one quick picture. I think it's a good one!
1 comment:
Ahhh, just caught up on your blog...so fun! Sounds like Charlie is talking up a storm! Wish I was there to hear it!! :) The Wii looks awesome!! Adam just sold ours, long story but sad :( The snow looks fun! I hope we get out there to see it! It may not be till late this year or next year though :( Miss you guys!!
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