Last weekend was the Iceman bike race in Traverse City that Pete's parents help to run every year. We've never been able to go to one, so Charlie and I packed up the car on Thursday, headed downstate, and spent 4 days with Mark, Kelly, and Drew. We didn't get to see too much of Grandpa and Grandma because they were busy working, but we were able to spend some meals together. When we got to town Thursday, Charlie and I went to the resort to visit Grandpa and Grandma for a bit. That night we had dinner all together at Mark & Kelly's. Friday, Drew had a fever ;), so Kelly called in to work and we got to have a Wildcat Day (a tradition Kelly had when she was at Northern where you stay in your jammies all day!). It was a good day for one too because we got snow Thursday night! Friday afternoon we ventured out to Sam's Club, then took the boys over to the resort to check out all the activities going along with the Iceman. On Saturday, we took the boys over to see some of the bike race, had lunch at the Red Mesa Grill stand during the race, then headed home for a nap. We laid pretty low the rest of the evening. Sunday we went over to Grandpa and Grandma's and spend the day with them. Monday morning Charlie and I cleaned up our mess at M&K's house, then headed home to Marquette. It was a great weekend, and we are so glad we got to spend so much time with Mark, Kelly & Drew. Usually it's a quick visit with them, but this time was much more fun! Thanks for all your hospitality, Mark & Kelly! So glad we live closer to you guys now, and we can see the boys grow together! We love you!!!

Charlie was so excited for Uncle Mark to come home. He waited for him by the door!

Our first snow in Michigan! Charlie was pondering what to do about it.

Story time with Aunt Kelly. We did this a lot!

We tried Play-dough for the first time. I told Charlie to smile for the camera...and he did!

Jumping up and down with Aunt Kelly.

Uncle Mark gave Charlie and Drew Spartan stickers for game day.

My first picture with Uncle Mark! I really love this guy!

The boys bundled up for the Iceman. They were not too happy about the puffy coats, but they look dang cute, don't they?

Had to take a picture of the race. No clue who this guy is though.

One of Charlie's only smiles during the race. He was very cranky....until he feel asleep.

Luckily we found this big tractor to keep the boys happy when they were melting down.

Sitting in the back of Grandpa's new truck with Grandma. I love this picture!

Enjoying the beautiful day in G&G's yard.

Grandpa & Grandma are measuring the boys each time they come to the house so they can see how they grow!!
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