This year for Thanksgiving was a Hrodey year, and since Pete has to work on the Friday after Thanksgiving, we invited everyone up for a UP Thanksgiving! Pete's parents, Kelly, and Drew came up on Tuesday, and Mark came up Thursday morning. We started our Thanksgiving morning off with our annual Turkey Trot...except it was a little different this year than it was the past three years in California. There was snow on the ground and it was raining/snowing, so we decided to leave the boys home with Grandma... and it was a good thing we did! It was definitely a cold, wet run, but it still felt good to get out and run. When we got home, Mark showed up shortly after, and he had our new TV in tow!! We hooked up the TV, watched the parade, made Thanksgiving dinner, and everyone showed up around 3 (Mark's parents, aunt & uncle, and his brother & girlfriend all joined us). We had a wonderful dinner with everyone, and we are so thankful that everyone was able to drive the roads to join us. The best part about this Thanksgiving was that we were in Michigan with our family, so we had a lot to be thankful for! Hope everyone else had a wonderful Turkey Day too, and congrats to Amanda, Allen and Harper for Holden making his presence into the world on Turkey Day!!!

Charlie goofing off.

Drew LOVED Charlie's car. I think he was in it all week! At least we know what to get him for his birthday!

Charlie wanted yogurt, so I told him he had to take one to Drew too. He grabbed two of them, ran into the play room and said, "Drew! Drew! Yogurt." It was so cute!

The best pic of the two them I could get the whole time.

Having some mac & cheese for lunch.

Ummmm....yeah... I think the boys like Sesame Street.

Our new TV! We love it!

Our fancy table.

Mark's brother, Eric's, girlfriend, Stacy, made all these yummy, adorable Thanksgiving treats!

Charlie thought Payton needed some homemade crescent rolls while he was in his kennel during dinner. He would shove an entire roll through the holes in his door.

Playing a hat game with Uncle Mark.

Drew's and my attempt at a self portrait... at least we got Mark in the background too!

Love this picture! He wanted me to take a picture of him, and this is what we got!

Reading the Trucks book with Grandma.

Story time before bed with Grandpa.
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