Driving in his new gator. He loves helping Pete clean up the yard, and then drive the scraps back to the burn pile. |
Well... it's completely unheard of to have the weather we've been having the past couple weeks in the UP in March, but we'll take it! It's been so nice to get Charlie outside to play. He's big enough this year to enjoy all the stuff we have for him to play with in our awesome backyard! Every day, after nap, Charlie and I head outside to play and wait for Pete to get home from work. When Pete gets home, I usually head in to get some schoolwork done, and the boys stay out and play. We've also been taking advantage of getting outside with Charlie's buddies, Joe and Anna. We've been going to the playground, going on hikes, had them over to play in the yard one day, and we even made it to the beach yesterday! It's so nice that Charlie has two great friends to play with... they always have so much fun together. Plus, their mom, Shannon, is one of my best friends here, so that makes the play dates even more fun for me! :) Here are some pics of some of our outings.
Showing Anna how to drive the gator. |
These three need driving lessons. They took out two small trees, almost took the slide off the playground, and even threw Anna out of the gator at one point. They sure had fun though! |
Hangin' out at the playground. |
Fishing on the boat. One of them fished while the other two threw food in for the fish. Little kiddos and their imaginations are so great! |
Our first day out with his Handy Manny 4-wheeler from Christmas. It was a lot easier to move around outside... our house inside wasn't the best for this little toy. |
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