Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Break in the Weather . . .

Pausing for a pic with Dad.
 After we had that huge snowstorm, four days later we had a nice break in the weather. The sun came out and the snow started to melt. Pete's parents were still here visiting, so we decided to head to the rock beach at Presque Isle. The path was still covered in snow, and there was still ice on the rocks, but other than that it was a nice day. Charlie had a blast trouncing through the snow, and then throwing rocks into the water. It was so nice to get outside to get some fresh air and exercise. We are quickly realizing that our little man is definitely an outdoors kid, so we will be spending A LOT of time in the backyard playing this summer!
Three Hrodey men.
Checking out the ice on the rocks with Grandpa.
Throwing rocks... Grandma was looking for beach glass.
There's that good arm again!
Cool ice on the rocks. There were little drops of water running underneath, but I couldn't get it with the camera.
My guys.
I'm never in the pictures, and of course this one he has his eyes closed.

Snowball fight!
Hitchin' a ride on Grandpa. It was a long hike!


Grandma Nancy said...

Hope you know we had a blast!! Great spending so much time with you all.

Mettler's said...

Come on! Give us a preggo picture please!!

Mettler's said...

Oh my gosh, just caught up on your blog, how adorable is Charlie?! Loved all the pics and stories! Is your placenta previa gone? We need to catch up soon! Miss you guys!!!