Friday, August 26, 2011


Charlie has taken to talking endlessly on the phone during the day. Unfortunately, when it comes to talking for real on the phone, to real people, he shies up and doesn't talk... but he will talk away on his imaginary phone conversations. He usually tells me he's on the phone with Grandpa and Grandma, and the conversation usually sounds like this:
"Hi, Grandpa. Hi, Grandma. Are you there? We go get a muffin tomorrow? Ok. Bye."
Other times, when Pete is traveling, he likes to call Daddy to tell him he loves him. He's also called his buddy, Jameson, to see if he wanted to play tractors, and he wondered where Jameson's brother, Liam, was. I've tried many times to capture his conversations on video, but he stops right when I get the camera fired up. It's too cute!

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