When we got home from
Ludington, many things in our garden were ready for us! I took Charlie out with me to see how everything had grown. He really enjoyed picking the green beans with me. He also liked seeing all the veggies starting to grow bigger. We had a ton of green beans to pick so we froze half of them, and we are going to can some dilly beans with the rest. The sugar snap peas are starting to come in, but there aren't as many as I would have hoped for. They are REALLY good though. The tomatoes are all starting to ripen too, but Pete's the only one in our family who eats them =). We've used the cilantro to make a sauce for our fish tacos, and we even made a salad one night with our lettuce we grew! We have zucchini and squash growing like crazy, so we made veggies burritos last night, and I am planning on making a bunch of zucchini bread. A watermelon is starting to grow, and so is a cucumber. I am really hoping our pumpkins start to grow because it would be so much fun for Charlie to grow his own pumpkin (the plants are flowering like crazy, so that's a good sign).
Overall, this garden experience has been great! A whole lot more turned out than we thought would, and it's been a great learning experience. Our corn and peppers didn't do much, so we'll have to change our plan a bit next year. We also planted a little too late, so hopefully we'll have that down next year! I can't wait for Charlie to be able to help more in the future... it seems like he enjoys it already!


Green Beans



Sugar Snap Peas

Charlie picking peas.

Proud of his little bucket of peas (he wouldn't eat any though).
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