We decided to take the boys blueberry picking one morning when they both were a little finicky. There's a great little spot by the cottage that Pete's grandma used to go to all of the time. We have the best picture of Pete as a kid sitting on the cottage steps with a big bowl of blueberries. Hopefully we can do a matching picture of Charlie when he gets a little older!
Overall, the blueberry picking was a great experience. Drew ate his fair share of blueberries right off the trees, then he became the official "take the bucket to Grandma and dump it in hers" kid. Charlie did great at the beginning picking berries, but lost interest after awhile. He was very good at knowing not to pick the green ones; it started to be his mantra while we were there. We ended up being there for about an hour and got a bucket and a half of blueberries. The blueberries are SOOO good, but unfortunately my son has not eaten one of them. I did freeze some though so I can make him some of his favorite blueberry muffins.

Finding the BIG, blue berries... not the little green ones.

Drew and Aunt Kelly doing their share.

Helping Grandma dump the blueberries into the group bucket.

A quick pose with Grandma.

Starting to lose interest in picking.

The best picture I could get of these two monkeys with the blueberries.