Last week we were in Winter Park, CO visiting Pete's parents. They go out there for 4 months in the winter time to ski. We have been going out to visit for the past 3 years, and it's become a yearly tradition! We left Marquette on Friday morning, met up with Kelly & Drew in Detroit, and then continued on to Colorado together. Pete, Kelly, and Drew stayed until Monday morning, and Charlie and I stayed through Wednesday. To top this year's trip off, Uncle Randy and Auntie Cake were there too! Kathy's daughter, Mallory, lives in Denver, so they were able to kill two birds with one stone and visit Mallory & Dan... and us also! Pete, Charlie, and I visited with the California gang Friday night for a bit when they got to Winter Park. Saturday morning, Kathy joined Pete's mom to watch the boys as the rest of us headed out skiing. They came to the mountain at lunchtime to meet up with us. We took Charlie out to the bunny hill to ride the magic carpet and have Pete's dad take him down the hill. He LOVED it! On Sunday, we all skied again, and then met up at lunch. It was a pretty cold day, and Super Bowl Sunday, so we headed home early for naps and the preparing of dinner. We spent the evening with the Hamilton's eating dinner, watching the game, and just enjoying our time together. Monday morning Pete, Kelly, and Drew left. Charlie and I headed over to the Hamilton's condo to hang out with them until they left after breakfast. We had a nice little meal together, and then said our goodbyes. It was just as hard saying goodbye this time as it was when we left California, but fortunately for us, Kathy and Randy are coming to Michigan this summer, so it won't be too long until we see them again. On Tuesday, Pete's dad and I headed out skiing in the morning, and Pete's mom brought Charlie to the mountain for lunch. We put Charlie in boots and skis and took him back to the bunny hill. Again, he LOVED it! He can't do ski school until he's 3, so we'll just keep working with him ourselves this year and get him into lessons next year. We had a wonderful time with Pete's parents, and a special thank you to them for everything they did for us. This trip is always one we look forward to, and I know we will create a ton of wonderful memories from each trip! It was also great to spend the weekend with Uncle Randy and Auntie Cake. They mean so much to Charlie, and us, and it's so nice to know that we won't lose touch with them. Charlie loves you both so much, and it's so great to see his eyes light up when he spends time with you. We love you guys and miss you every day!

Riding the tram at Detroit Metro.

Charlie eating his muffin at the airport.

Charlie loved trying on the different ski helmets. This one had monsters all over it!

Charlie with some pretty great people.

Special time with Uncle Randy and Auntie Cake.

Petey had a frozen beard after skiing. My own Iceman.

Eating cereal with Grandpa.

Charlie loved wearing the ski goggles around the condo.

U.R. and A.C. surviving the cold. Randy informed us it was 70 degrees in Lodi!

Riding the magic carpet for the first time.

Love this woman more than she'll ever know!

Getting ready for the Super Bowl with Uncle Randy.

Two of Charlie's favorites... Auntie Cake and hummus!

Pete joining Charlie in his "smile for the camera" face.

First time on skis!

Skiing with Grandpa.

Trying him on his own.

Skiing with Mom.

Riding the magic carpet with Grandpa and Grandma.

Watch out! Next year he'll be bombing the slopes!
Mallory cooked spaghetti and meatballs for Super Bowl. When she tested the noodles to see if they were done, I told her to throw them at the wall. We thought it would be fun to teach Charlie how to do it!
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