Saturday, February 19, 2011

UP200 Dog Sled Races

Last night we headed to a restaurant called Upfront to watch the UP200 Dog Sled Races. We met up with some friends who also have kids around Charlie's age to hang out for the evening. There was a bar, a buffet of pizza, a band, and a dance floor. The dance floor was quickly taken over by all the kids. They were dancing, running, hitting a balloon... you name it. Charlie had a blast chasing around with the other kids, and it was amazing how nice the older kids were to him. They made sure he was able to hold the balloon, and they always helped him up if he fell down. Once the dog sled races started, we were able to go out on the balcony to see them run right in front of the restaurant. A musher and his dogs would come by every 3-5 minutes or so, and there were 15 mushers in the race. Charlie loved watching the dogs, and he kept saying, "Go! Go! Go!" and "Go, Dogs, Go!" It was pretty cute. When it got too cold to stand out there, we went back in to get warm. It was such a nice evening. The kids all occupied one another, and that allowed the adults to stand around drinking beers. We mingled with out friends, watched the kiddos have a blast, and enjoyed some great music. The only bad part was that I forgot my camera, so I had to rely on my phone for pictures, and they didn't turn out the best. Other than that, it was a great evening!

This girl was my friend's niece. She really took a liking to Charlie, and he really liked her back!

Here's a video I took of the race with my camera.

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