Saturday, June 2, 2012

Time with the Extended Cousins . . .

All the cousins!
 On Friday of Memorial Day weekend, we spent the day with Uncle Jack, Aunt Judy, my cousins, and their kiddos. Uncle Jack and Aunt Judy had us all over to their cottage for some play time and lunch. It was so nice to see my extended family again. The last time I saw my cousins was the Friday after Thanksgiving, and then I hadn't seen my aunt and uncle for at least 9 months (they never got to see me pregnant with either of my kids). It's so crazy to look around the room and see all of the little ones playing together. All of my memories growing up include my aunt and uncle and my cousins, David and Dennis; they were like two more brothers to me. As usual, it wasn't enough time together, but I'm glad we got the little time we did. Melissa even came back to our house during nap time to get pictures of Seda for me!! A BIG thanks to Uncle Jack and Aunt Judy for hosting everyone. The food was great and the company was even better! We really appreciate you helping us to be able to get everyone together when we are in from out of town!

Uncle Jack was telling the kids stories while hanging with Seda. They were lovin' every minute of it!
All the kiddos, minus Seda, eating lunch. All the adults had to stand to eat... it's so crazy to see all our kids together like this!

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