Well... another Halloween has come... and gone... for Charlie. I am writing this post when we should probably be out trick-or-treating, but as you can see, we are not. It was yet another year of Charlie refusing to wear his costume. He put it on a couple weekends ago, practiced his trick-or-treating with us, and loved every minute of it. But, when it came time to suit up for some festivities on Saturday... it was a BIG, FAT no. I am still trying to figure out how to bribe him to get the costume on for one minute to get a picture because he looks so darn cute in it. Other than the not wearing his costume, we had a fun little day Saturday. We started off at the YMCA with my friend, Shannon, and her kids, Joe and Anna. There were games to play, treats to eat, and even a hayride. Charlie LOVED the hayride and even touched a horse for the very first time! After the YMCA, we went home for a nap and then headed back to Shannon's house to go trick-or-treating downtown. Charlie was very good at going up with his bucket, saying trick-or-treat, and thank you. We walked around for about an hour, and then we headed back to Shannon and Matt's house to hang out. We ended up getting carry out, let the kiddos play, and had some nice adult time with our friends. It was a perfect little day. So, onto next year... maybe we'll the hang of the costume thing then!

They hayride. The horse's name is Who.

Charlie and Anna bobbing for ducks to win candy.

Charlie won a cupcake in the calk walk game!

Trick-or-treating at the bookstore downtown.
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