Well.... here are the before and after pictures of Rocky. The first picture is directly from the website where he was purchased. Notice how stuffed he is when you first get him.
Ok... are you ready??? Here's the after picture!!!

Needless to say, Rocky has been very loved... and this is his third one! The grey part of the paws (which no longer exist on Charlie's Rocky) are the part he sucked on. They were no longer grey, but a yellowish color. Eventually a hole would start to appear in the paw, and Grandma
Hrodey tried her hardest to keep stitching him up for her grandson. Eventually, the holes couldn't be repaired, stuffing would start falling out, or Charlie would pull it out, and now you see the end result. Oh.... Rocky.... how we love thee!
I'm glad that I got to see Rocky in his last months. He was a good ole friend!!
Does this mean we are on to Rockey Hrodey IV?
We don't have #4 yet, Sara. We might be asking Santa for one!
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