Last week, I went to California to visit my friends for a week. Pete is in the middle of his busy season for work, so Charlie and Payton went to stay with Grandpa and Grandma while Pete was traveling throughout the state. Charlie loves staying at Camp G&G while we are gone... so much that he doesn't even miss us! He got to also spend a lot of time with his cousin Drew because it was the last week of school for Kelly, and Pete's mom was still watching him during the day. Some of the camp activities included throwing rocks in the lake, watching the worker men add an addition onto G&G's house, celebrating his auntie's birthday, playing baseball, having a sleepover with Uncle Mark and Drew, naps in the afternoon with Grandpa, and snuggling in the morning with Grandma. I am sure I am leaving a whole lot out, but they kept him so busy that I can't remember everything! One important milestone was getting the chance to meet
Sparty. Uncle Mark was helping out with an
MSU golf outing, so he invited Charlie to come with Drew to see
Sparty. Charlie loves everything about
Sparty in pictures, books, and on TV, but he is NOT a fan of the real
Sparty. He wouldn't even go near him! Oh well. It was worth a try. A big, big, BIG thank you to Pete's parents for watching my boys for 10 days. I know it was tiring, but I appreciate it more than you know! It was pretty great to have my little man giving me hugs and kisses all day when I got back. I definitely missed my boys!

An attempt to meet Sparty . . .

He even played peek-a-boo, but that didn't help.

Charlie was OK posing by the inflatable Sparty with Uncle Mark.

Taking a break from playing and enjoying a snack.

Rough riders.... Charlie loves going down the driveway full speed!
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