Monday, April 11, 2011

A Glimpse of the Summer

This past weekend in Marquette was beautiful! We reached into the 60's, and we took advantage of every moment we could get outside. The top picture was Charlie before he headed outside. I was changing him into play pants, and he wanted to go get his boots on. He came back with one boot and the thrower for Payton. I don't know who is more excited to be outside, Charlie or Payton. Needless to say, they both love running around in the backyard, and they both sleep real good afterwards so it's nice for Pete and I to have two tired boys!! We are looking forward to the warmer weather! It's going to be a good summer!!
Charlie is starting to be able to throw the ball for Payton a bit. It doesn't go far, but he's getting the hang of it!

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