Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Car Trip to Brighton

Well, we finally did out first car trip downstate. It's an 8 hour drive from Marquette to Brighton, so it's definitely a long one. We left the house about 9:00 am, and we ended up making it to Ann Arbor around 5 pm. We had a quick stop for lunch at the bridge, and few gas/potty stops, and then we stopped in Ann Arbor for dinner. Charlie did awesome in the car!! I was so proud of him. He didn't have any potty accidents (oh . . . I might not have mentioned he's potty trained now), and he did awesome going potty every time we stopped. He had a bit of a meltdown when we stopped at Chili's for dinner, but that is to be expected after being cooped up in the car for 8 hours. Overall, it was a good trip, but we were definitely glad to be out of the car!

Charlie watching Bob on the drive down.
The big corn on a stick he got at Chili's. Why wouldn't you give a kid a huge wooden stick to play with at dinner time? Right? I mean that's a great toy to have on the kid's menu!

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