Saturday, November 10, 2012


Joe (Superman), Charlie (Bears Football Player), Anna (Tangled) 
For Halloween this year, we got together with Charlie's friends, Joe and Anna. It was kind of a crummy night, wet and cold, but we were able to get out and trick-or-treat for about an hour around their house. Charlie had a great time and got lots of yummy candy. It was so nice that he enjoyed Halloween this year! After trick-or-treating, we had dinner at Matt & Shannon's and let the kiddos play. It was a great night, and we look forward to many more fun ones like it!
Carving pumpkins... love Seda's face here!

Charlie's pumpkin.
Wildcat Willy pumpkin.

Silly kids in their glow-in-the-dark masks!
Lights turned on!
Silly Charlie.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Downtown Trick-or-Treating

Our Lil' Bears player and elephant.
 On the Saturday before Halloween, downtown Marquette always has a trick-or-treating event for the kiddos. We went last year, but Charlie refused to wear his costume. As you can see, he was all about it this year! We met up with our friend, Lisa, and her daughter, Grace, and then hit up the stores. It was super busy, but we made through both sides of the streets and got lots of candy. After Lisa and Grace headed home, we met up with Joe and Anna to have some dinner and see the show they were putting on at the Commons. We couldn't see any of the show, so it was a waste, but we did have fun playing back at Matt & Shannon's house. Overall, we were glad Charlie got into Halloween, so hopefully Halloween night will go well too!
"Ready, Set... Go"

Pete pushing the kiddos downtown.

Grace, as a horse, and Charlie, a football player.

Preschool Rainbow Parade

The banner Charlie's class made.
 Instead of wearing Halloween costumes to school, Charlie's class had a rainbow parade. Each kiddo had a color of the rainbow, and then the paraded down the hall to the gym to form the rainbow. Charlie wasn't too excited about it... he's pretty shy when it comes to those things. :) It was still pretty cute to see!
Charlie's hands.

Mr. Green.

Charlie's class as a rainbow.

Charlie and his buddies, Anna and Cooper.