Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm Singin' in the Rain . . .

Charlie got this really cool hand-me-down raincoat from his cousins, JD and Dylan, in California. He LOVES it! He's been wearing it around the house all of the time. Now we just need to wait until Spring for some rain to come... then we can go stomping in the puddles! :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bedtime Stories . . .

This was with the light on.
Charlie and Pete were reading before bed the other night, and when I came upstairs, this is what I found. The lights were off and Charlie had his lantern on for Pete to see the book. It was too cute not to take a picture.
Here's with the light off.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

25 Weeks!

Went to the doctor today. Roxy is doing great! I am measuring right where I should be, and her heartbeat was good and strong. It was a super short visit, like they have all been the last few times, but it's nice to know everything is good. The doctor said I have another appointment in 4 weeks, then I start going every 2 weeks. That was pretty crazy to hear. I have been feeling good, definitely getting a bigger appetite, and we are looking forward to the third trimester!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

24 Week Ultrasound . . .

Roxy giving Charlie a little wave.
This morning we went in for another ultrasound. When we had our 18 week ultrasound, we found out I had placenta previa. It's a condition where the placenta isn't in the correct spot, and if it doesn't move before the last few weeks of pregnancy, it could result in a c-section for the safety of me and the baby. The assured us that many women have it, and that the placenta usually moves as the baby grows. So... the good news is that it is where it is supposed to be now! Woohoo! It was great to see Roxy again, and we even got some neat pictures. Charlie was able to go with us too, so he got to see his baby sister. We think she was waving to him in the picture above. I got back to the doctor next week, so I'll update you more then!
24 weeks!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fun in the First Snow!

Charlie and his snowman.
 We are supposed to get 6-12 inches of snow in the next 36 hours and it started this morning, so we decided to head outside and play in the fresh snow! We started out by making a snowman, then we got Charlie on his skis, then did a little sledding. The snow was perfect for making a snowman, and we had everything we needed to complete him!
Charlie did SO AWESOME skiing! Grandpa and Grandma got him new skis and boots this year, so this was his first time on them. We figured we'd get him out on the driveway a couple times before we actually took him to Marquette Mountain. He was super excited and had a smile on his face the whole time... even when he fell down in the snow! All he needs to work on is his balance. He tends to lean back instead of forward. We will try again tomorrow, and Pete will put his skis on to make it a little easier. We are so excited that he likes it so much!
A perfect little snowman.
Trying out his skis for the first time!
I think he was having a LITTLE fun!
Racing Payton.
Practicing his balance on his skis.
Dad pulling Charlie through the yard.
My guys enjoying the snow.
This kiddo LOVES to shovel!
Helping Dad put the snowman's nose on.
I finally passed the camera over to Pete for a picture. So glad I did!