Monday, November 28, 2011

An Elf Named.... Guido.

Yes... you read the title right. Our elf on the shelf has been named Guido. First let me say that Pete and I had no hand in coming up with his name. We told Charlie that he needed to name him, so he thought for awhile and then said Santa. We told him maybe he could think of another name... and out came Guido. No... he is not an avid fan of Jersey Shore. Pete actually reminded me that the blue car who changes the wheels on Lightening McQueen in the movie Cars is actually named Guido, so it didn't just come out of left field. Guido it is! This morning is the first day for Guido to be watching over Charlie, and Charlie's pretty excited about it. He keeps pointing at him and saying, "He's here, Mom! It's Guido!" Hopefully he'll become a well-loved Christmas tradition in our house in the years to come!

Jamo and Liam

We had a nice little visit with Jameson and Liam when we were in town for Thanskgiving. I can't believe how BIG Liam is getting! It really stinks being so far away from my best friend and her kiddos, but I love that fact that the boys all get along so well when they get back together. Hopefully next time we are together there will be two girls in the mix! Christina is due at the beginning of January, and she doesn't know what she is having. We are hoping for a girl since I am having one. We need some girls to help slow these boys down!


When we were in Brighton for Thanksgiving, we took Charlie to the movies for the first time to see the new Muppets movie. We found out a long time ago that there was a new movie coming out around Thanksgiving, so the build up for it has been substantial. Charlie has been watching The Muppets Take Manhattan and Muppets from Space for the past year, so he is ALL about the Muppets. Every time we would pass the theater downtown Marquette, Charlie would run up to see the movie poster, and don't even get me started on when he saw the trailers on TV! We just had to keep telling him that when we went to Mimi & Papa's house, we would finally see it.
He was super excited the day before and the morning of the movie (we ended up going Thanksgiving Day morning). We got him his little kid's snack at the theater which included popcorn, gummy bears and a drink. He looked SO cute sitting in the seat munching on his snacks. The entire movie he was pointing out the character and saying there names and giggling, all while having a HUGE smile on his face. Unfortunately, we had a late and wakeful night the night before, so he ended up falling asleep on my lap with about 20 minutes left to go of the movie.
Overall we consider it a great success! He still talks about when we went to see the movie, so it's nice to know he remembers it and that we could probably take him again. It's experiences like these that make me feel like Charlie is growing up WAY too fast. He's becoming this big boy right before my eyes, and it makes me sad that I can't slow it down. On the other hand, it's so nice to be able to do things like going to the movies with him now. I'll keep the memories with me forever!
Waiting for the movie to start with Dad.
Munchin' on his popcorn.

Charlie's First Skis!

Grandpa and Grandma got Charlie his very first pair of skis and boots this year! We were hoping there would be some snow when they were here so he could try them out in the yard, but we didn't get any. He LOVES them! He knows how to put the boots on and buckle them all by himself; he also likes to stomp around the house in them. =) We are all super excited to get him out on the slopes since he did so well last year. I'm a little sad that I am pregnant and unable to ski with him, but that just means I'll get some really good pictures! A big thanks to Grandpa & Grandma, but I hope you guys are ready!!! I think this one is going to bomb down the hills like I did as a kid!

Charlie's First Deer Camp

This year for hunting season Pete's dad came up to Marquette to stay with us for the week. It ended up being a VERY busy week for everyone. There was definitely not a lot of down time. Not only did the guys get a lot of hunting in, Charlie got to spend a lot of one-on-one time with his grandpa. They played with play dough a lot, enjoyed a camp tradition of eating powdered sugar donuts, stacked wood, got a muffin at their favorite bakery, and even spent some alone time when Pete and I went to a couple doctor appointments. Every morning Charlie would pop out of bed and ask if Grandpa was up yet, then run downstairs to see. It was so nice for them to be able to spend the week together. Charlie and Grandpa have had a special bond right from the beginning, and I know it will only grow stronger as the years go on. I have to give Pete's dad a HUGE thank you for everything he did around the house. There are a lot of projects that need to be done, but since I'm pregnant I can't help Pete out as much as I am used to. So thank you, Dad, for all of your hard work that week. It's so much easier to get things done when there are two people who can do some heavy lifting! Hopefully you weren't too exhausted from the trip! We love you very much, and look forward to this tradition in the years to come!
Charlie LOVED trying on Grandpa's reading glasses.
A tradition picture... orange hunting hats with powdered sugar donuts.
Reading the magazine like Grandpa would.
Helping the men stack wood.
Taking a break from the hard work so Mom could snap a picture.
Grandpa gave Charlie the small logs to stack. He just had to be involved!
A picture with Daddy's deer.

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's a Girl!

It's a baby sister for Charlie! We had our 18 week ultrasound today, and she is growing perfectly! We got a couple waves, saw some cute face shots, and even got to see her stretch her little foot out. In true Hrodey baby fashion, we will be calling this little lady Roxy until her name is revealed when she is born. I mean... can you get any better than Rocky and Roxy?!?! We are so excited to get to experience raising both a girl and boy, and we are so blessed to have this little one be a survivor!

Monday, November 14, 2011

First Snow!

Not the best quality picture, but it shows you Charlie's excitement when he saw the first snow of the year!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Good Night Sleep

Here's how you can tell Charlie gets a good night sleep! Guess I need to dry his hair better after his bath at night!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jack-o-lantern . . .

This year Charlie was very in to helping Pete carve his pumpkin. He LOVED scooping the guts out with a spoon, but didn't want to use his hands. He helped Pete to draw the face with a marker, and then Pete cut out the pieces. Once we put the candle in he said, "It's a jack-o-lantern!" Such a smart boy! Luckily I got a picture with my phone to send to the grandparents because when I got the camera out, he refused to take a picture. Now on to Thanksgiving!